Monday, January 30, 2012

Creating God

It is fascinating how we have all created at some stage or another - a God that we want to believe in. If you observe the different religions, which are all based on a different 'God' concept, you will notice how that particular belief or God represents what the believer themselves hope to alleviate, achieve or even condemn within themselves. If you observe society you will notice one thing within all human beings - that they seek specific spiritual guidance and repentance -and therefore each person will according to their personality and cultural design pick out the God that they will believe in.

So the money hungry white people who cherish good values and family ties - choose religions like Christianity which has been passed down from generation to generation. All the religions of the world represent the personality designs of groups of people who come together in their like mindedness to appease their restless minds, by praying to their God.

Then you have your outcasts of society - the ones who will rebel and yell and go to green peace rallies. They are the ones who abuse drugs for the sake of enlightenment and will in the exact same way justify their religion and beliefs and drug use, under the banner of 'spiritual awakening'. All religions have their allowances - now that we are on the topic. Look - the majority of the world population belong to some form of religion - and the majority of the world population use some form of recreational drug like alcohol . So how is it that a majority of the world both have religious beliefs in some God but also use alcohol or drugs? Does your God say you may use alcohol to bring out or suppress a part of you? Why is that normal practice for those who belief in some spiritual life or journey or God? This is a classic example of how the human adapts their religion which they created in the first place and participate according to - based on their personality design, their hopes, fears and wants. What I noticed is that not one single human being sticks to the original rules and principles of their religion - everybody bends the rules and everybody knows it.

One the one hand you have you religious fanatics I must add, who absolutely do everything by the book in the hopes that it will save them and on the other hand you have people who simply belong to a religion because they grew up belonging to a religion and are so indoctrinated through fear - that they wont dare admitting that they don’t actually stick to the guidelines of their religion. I mean did Jesus intend for Christians to be fornicating, porn watching, capitalists, who will cheat, steal and lie simply to make a buck? Oh you think that does not include you? If you exist in the current capitalist system then yes that includes you. Capitalism is designed to make the best profit through the best means. That means creating products that do not last, which are advertised nine times out of ten through false advertising (but this product now and you hair will never look the same again). Yes we have all fallen for the gimmicks until shit goes wrong and then we are told to read the fine print. Unless of course you have lots of money and are able to afford to keep replacing expensive brands.

Back to religion: observe within yourself in your own life - the decisions you made - in what religion you will follow. You will notice that inside yourself you 'resonated' with a specific religion or belief system. That means that you could relate to a certain religion because that religion represented what already existed in you. All our fears, hopes and desires to be noticed are all addressed in spirituality and religion. You are guaranteed a loving god being who dote on you and take care of you and your family. Yes -in our society you will get attention and love from others if you have money or are somebody 'special'. Everybody knows this is how our society works unfortunately. It eats us up inside that we have to compete to be noticed- and yet we will justify the way we have designed our society - no matter what (don’t you dare tell me Britney Spears isn't special!). So yes - in religion every body gets to belong to their special god whom they have been told loves them and adores them. Apparently god sits and adores each human individually - ouch - what a job!

The God entity: How is it that most religious people tell us that they 'feel the presence of God' inside them? Some even say that they receive guidance from God. If one participate for long enough in thinking about your special god who you wish you could connect with - then through the action of thinking you generate energy within yourself as you participate with your thoughts. Next thing you start feeling jesus or God in your heart. What you are feeling is an entity you created through participating with your own mind as an idea of your God. Now you have created an entity and it exists in you exactly as you would imagine a god to exist. At this point people usually act all surprised - yes everyone who communicates with me will say - they just started feeling the presence of god. You will participate with your own entity by speaking to it and prancing around like a good person because you believe that your god-entity exists inside you and watches over you.

The God we create and the religion we 'belong' to - reflects us back to ourselves. So simply sit down and write about your loving god and all the elements of your religion. You will either notice that you have been in the same religion since childhood and then you note this down as this shows us that we accepted everything we were taught and are too afraid to step beyond what our family, teachers and society tell us to do. Therefore they key to work with here would be ones fear of taking self responsibility, being accountable for yourself and lifting the veil on your own programming. If you joined a religion, then write down all the elements of why you liked this religion and what it allows you to believe about yourself. In the end your God became the image and likeness of yourself .

Solution: In Writing ourselves to Freedom - they key is to stand one and equal to the aspects within another, in this case a god or religion - that actually represent that within ourselves we are not yet standing equal to. So if for example you write that you believe in a god to tell you how to live responsibly in this world - then apply self forgiveness on not having accepted yourself as self responsible and then apply yourself within self responsibility in your world - thus standing one and equal to self responsibility. Therefore you no longer require creating god-entities to stand in as you in as the director and directive principle of you.

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1 comment:

  1. "It is fascinating how we have all created at some stage or another - a God that we want to believe in. If you observe the different religions, which are all based on a different 'God' concept, you will notice how that particular belief or God represents what the believer themselves hope to alleviate, achieve or even condemn within themselves. If you observe society you will notice one thing within all human beings - that they seek specific spiritual guidance and repentance -and therefore each person will according to their personality and cultural design pick out the God that they will believe in."
    Heh. It's a mathematical equation, isn't it? Good post!

