Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
In One Breath: Self Writing - "The Unhappy Customer"
Being the Change - Living the Principle: "If it's Meant to Be..." a Pre-programmed Existenc...
Being the Change - Living the Principle: Religion and Spirituality - One and the Same?
Being the Change - Living the Principle: Education/School - Just do It
Liss writing her self to freedom: Brave vs Shame - Polarity
Johnathan exposed: Belief in God? Why do we believe in God?To those...
To those...: Belief in God? Why do we believe in God? To those who believe in this so-called God I ask one simple question : Would you believe in the G...
Desteni process support: bug support with alcohol
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Inside Outside Equal & One: Directing Postponement in the Moment
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Embattled president bows to intense pressure from protesters
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Resigns
by Beth Rowen
On Feb. 11, 2011, embattled Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak announced his resignation and handed power of the country over to the Supreme Military Council. Upon hearing Mubarak's speech, Cairo erupted in joyous celebration, with crowds chanting, "Egypt is free!" His resignation followed nearly three weeks of unprecedented anti-government protests in Cairo and ended 30 years of autocratic rule.
After assuming control of the country, the military dissolved Parliament and suspended the Constitution. It then presented a roadmap for a six-month transition to civilian rule. Plans included drafting constitutional amendments, a referendum to vote on them, and elections. Military leaders met with opposition leaders Wael Ghonim and Amr Salama to discuss the plan.
Protests in Tunisia Spark Demonstrations Throughout the Region
Unrest spread throughout the Middle East in January 2011. First, Tunisia's president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali stepped down amid widespread protests against corruption, unemployment, and the repressive police state. Demonstrations followed in Yemen and Algeria. In Egypt, opposition groups and activists calling for reform began their protests on January 25—what they called "a day of rage," which coincided with Police Day. The movement, organized using cell phones and social media sites, spread, and protesters took to the streets in several cities, including Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez, demanding the resignation of Mubarak, who has been in power for 30 years. The aging president had taken steps for his son, Gamal, to succeed him in upcoming elections.
The protests continued and grew in size and intensity over the next several days, with protesters and police engaged in violent battles. On January 28, Mubarak ordered his government to resign and reshuffled his cabinet, which had no effect on the protests. Mubarak, however, remained in office, and in an apparent move to cement the support of the military, he appointed military intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman, as vice president. He deployed the military to help police quell the protests, but days later—in a blow to Mubarak—the military said it would not use force against the protesters. On February 1, hundreds of thousands of protesters assembled in Cairo's Tahrir Square. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian Nobel laureate and former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, returned to Egypt and emerged as the leader of the opposition. He urged Muburak to resign and allow the formation of a "national unity government." Wael Ghonim, an Egyptian executive at Google, was a leading force in organizing the protests; he used an anonymous Facebook page and YouTube videos to rally support for the movement. He was jailed for 12 days, and became an unwitting hero of the movement when he acknowledged his role in an emotional television interview after his release.
Mubarak's Supporters Launch Counter-Protests
On Feb. 1, Mubarak announced that he will serve out the remainder of his term but not run for reelection in September. In response, President Barack Obama said an "orderly transition must be meaningful, it must be peaceful, and it must begin now." A day later, however, the situation in Cairo deteriorated abruptly as counter-protests broke out and supporters and opponents of Mubarak faced off in and around Tahrir Square, hurling rocks and wielding sticks. Many observers suspected Mubarak organized and encouraged his supporters to take to the streets in an attempt to further destabilize the country, allowing him to cling to power.
The opposition remained undaunted by the violent counter-protests and continued their demonstrations. The Muslim Brotherhood, the country's largest and most influential opposition movement, had been largely absent from the protest movement until it issued a statement on Feb. 4 calling for the resignation of Mubarak. In response to the continued unrest, the government made a series of conciliatory gestures: it announced that Suleiman would oversee the planning of upcoming elections and the attendant transition, promised a 15% pay increase for government employees, and proposed constitutional reforms. The opposition dismissed the gesture as wildly inadequate, and Mubarak's stubborn insistence on remaining in office emboldened the opposition. Finally, facing mounting pressure from within Egypt and from international leaders, Mubarak ultimately gave in to the uprising. As many as 300 people died during the political unrest.
Read more: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Resigns —
How on Earth will an Equal Money System be Implemented?
One of the most frequently asked questions about the Equal Money System is the question of how the system will be implemented. Indeed it can be difficult to see how an entirely new way of existing is and will be possible considering how we currently exist. What is important to realize and understand is that a new way of living will not suddenly come about by itself. So how we will get from where we are today, to an Equal Money System , is through practical changes accumulated step by step, through actions taken by directive groups and individuals advocating the Equal Money System.
For an Equal Money System to be implemented, we require a re-education of the group, as all of humanity. This is required because we, as we currently exist, are in no condition to take self-responsibility for the world as a whole. It is also required so that we can realize and understand that a different way of existing is even possible and from there, educate ourselves to be able to implement the changes required practically. Even though we can somewhat consider the notion of an Equal Money System, we have a long way ahead of us to learn how to live together in a way that is in fact best for all. What is further more required for an Equal Money System to be implemented, is that the group of people that are currently starving and suffering, which counts more than half of the world’s population get breathing-space as a “break” from having to exist within a fight to survive, so that they actually become able to even vote for an Equal Money System.
We thus require an intermediate relief of the most pressing suffering and inequality that human beings currently exist within and conditioned to. Once this is in place as a basic system where all are given the necessities to live a dignified life, we have enabled ourselves to practically stand together to implement an Equal Money System
This basic system is what is known as the BIG or Basic Income Grant or Guarantee system[1]. The basis of the system is to[2]:
Provide everyone with a minimum level of income,
Enable the nation’s poorest households to better meet their basic needs,
Stimulate equitable economic development,
Promote family and community stability, and
Affirm and support the inherent dignity of all.
This preliminary system will ensure a basic level of existing for all those countries participating where all citizens will be supported. It is from there that we can start implementing a fully functioning and Global Equal Money System. Once we get to this stage practically, we can start discussing and deciding how products are to be produced, how goods are stored and how work is going to be dispersed and all other questions pertaining to how to practically exist in a way that is best for all.
The first step in the implementation of an Equal Money System is thus a Basic Income Grant System and this will only be implemented as we re-educate ourselves to start caring about and understanding all life as equal to change our incentives within how we exist. We do this through changing ourselves and through exposing the system that is here for and as ourselves and each other, until we clearly see what is here for what it is and what are required to be done.
At Desteni, we encourage all to participate in the discussions on the forums to gain a practical understanding of what is required to be done and how we can each stand up to change the world. At The Equal Money Forum we discuss points specifically pertaining to the Equal Money System and at the Desteni Forum we come together to support ourselves to practically change and stand up as self-responsible, through writing ourselves to freedom in self-honesty and supporting each other to do the same.
We are active on Facebook and Youtube all year round, 24/7 as we participate from all parts of the world. Here we share links to relevant documentaries and news stories, personal experiences and realizations as well as music and videos. These is also available along with many products at the Destonians own shop EQAFE. Here we provide access to all the blog books written by Destonians as well as official books on the Equal Money System and exclusive interviews.
We encourage you to join us and begin the journey towards the making of a world that is Best for all, a world that is created from our very own hands, as we walk ourselves, step by step, breath by breath to self-honesty in self-responsibility for what is here. If we can do it, anyone can. And who will do it, if we don’t?
How to make those in power give it away in an EMS
Obviously, initially, most of the people ‘in power’ will not want to give away their current position of power during the implementation period of an Equal Money System.
Why not?
Well, we all know what it is like to get a ‘taste of power’ – whether believing we have ‘won’ a menial argument or, on a macro-scale, believing we’ve ‘won’ an actual war – so, that rush of having power over masses of people and situations can be and is reflected in each of us, and as such we can each see how this would be a difficult addiction to kick, as it is literally a kind of drug and/or orgasmic experience.
Though, those in power didn’t just magically get there, we are all responsible, as we have allowed ourselves to become mesmerized/hypnotized by this smoke and mirror show, believing that this is how it works, as ‘the way it is’ – it just ‘happens this way’ – ‘I can’t do anything about it’…which is really just another way of us secretly wanting to keep whatever self-interested power that we believe we have, in the hopes that one day we may be able to be in their position, as well.
This power, though, was accumulated through egoistically-fueled manipulation trickery or, we could say, elitist-legerdemain. But really, those in power only have an illusion of control, as it was never real, and they are a tiny group/minority in comparison to ‘the masses’/majority who are certainly not satisfied with the current way that those ‘in power’ are handling ‘their responsibility’ – as ‘their responsibility’ is clearly not within the principle of what is best for all, but only what is going to ensure their bubble-reality of self-interested-power continues. Also, to be clear, there is no ‘their responsibility’ either – as again, we are ALL responsible for the state of this world, and ourselves as direct-participants in this world.
However, those in power, through their constant and continuous blunders, are now being exposed at an increasing rate, as total system collapse is on the tips of everyone’s tongues. Through this, those in power are actually speeding up the process for us all, as they are no longer able to sweep their fuck-ups under the rug – not just ‘them’ – NO ONE can hide the inevitable facing of oneself; the rotten stench of a ‘system gone bad’ is leaking out into all corners of this world, as strife, dissatisfaction, tension, and conflict are running rampant in the streets, literally.
This entire ‘illusion of control’ has been kept intact through eons of time, wherein we as humans have abdicated ourselves within the belief that we require something ‘above’ us/outside of us to direct us due to existing within separation and inFEARiority.
We can see this in the ultimate point of allowing money to be our god which has total and complete power over our breath to breath living.
So, it’s a point of each one of us ‘taking our power back’ by/through becoming self-responsible, self-honest, caring beings and walking the point of self-correction, as we forgive ourselves, and thus forgive those ‘in power’ – as we could have easily been them in another life, and so we forgive them, as ourselves.
Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, we forgive ourselves for giving away our power as Life, here, turning a spiteful, blind eye to the horrors of this world in the hopes that someone would save us/clean up this mess for us so that we can keep chasing this ever-elusive ‘pursuit of happiness’ – not seeing that the carrot on a string is actually around our own neck.
It is time to cut the strings that bind, as we allow ourselves to embody our self-power and ability to make decisions that reflect this realization, as self-forgiveness practically directed through corrective application in this physical reality.
THAT is true democracy, as one man wielding the power of one vote, and together 1+1+1+1+1 we change this world, until it is done.
NOT through ‘revolution’ or fighting against ‘the powers that be’ – as fighting ‘against’ anything is only fighting ourselves, and in effect only giving more power to the point we believe we are fighting against – so, it’s a change through actual, direct self-realization that it is only through creating a system of Equality that we will be able to continue here on this planet; that it is only through a REAL democratic vote that we will each make our voice be heard.
So, it’s not really a point of getting those in power to ‘give it away,’ but a point of each of us standing up within ourselves to ‘take back’ our inherent power as self-responsible beings so that we’re able to work together, wherein no one single person/group will require a ‘position of power/control’ – and this is something that each one must realize for oneself, as those in power will most certainly have to do, as well.
We all are walking the same process here – different forms, same process.
So, it’s a fascinating point as this shows how everything is in reverse: to get those in power to give that power away – that ‘power’ that was never real to begin with – we ALL must take our power back – lol – which is kind of a conundrum showing that a re-definition of the word power must be lived into reality…
We ALL require to put down every form of power which we believed holds us up above others, and to ‘get back down to Earth’ – to an equalized playing-ground where we can all have fun and enjoy life – together, self-responsibly, within what is best for ALL.
No one to play blame-games with. No one to shake a finger at.
The principle of Equality as what is best for all can’t be, and won’t be debatable, but will be an agreement of Life; through this no point of compromise will be possible, as we all have the ability to see common sense as what is best for all and once this is realized we’ll be able to trust each other to act from this starting point, and no longer from the egoistic starting point of seeking domination over others for greed-purposes.
To do this, we must each become walking examples, as we make the total commitment to ourselves and each other to stand, no matter what, as Living Gods – equal and one – where our every movement is aligned to what is best for all – through and through – it is this primary point of dedication to self that will expedite this process significantly.
SO! Join us – what are you waiting for?
Will the Equal Money be a democracy? Will Committees exist?
The equal money system will be based and run by principles, one being that all life is equal in all ways in all aspects of life conceived so everybody will be treated and respected as such. Two, all beings in this existence whether you are a insect, a puppy, a tree, or a baby human, we are all life, we are one here, and life in an equal money system will thus include all, considering all aspects and all beings within it. Third, the equal money system will be based on a simple equation, 1+1=2 meaning that all will be shared among all and all will get the best that there is to offer. Equal money system will be based on doing what is best for all, creating products that are best for all, running institution best for all, taking care of nature best for all, and so on. This ensuring that life will never again be abused as it is in this current capitalist system, and all points are considered and taken responsibility for to create the best life possible for all life that is here. The main principle seeing self within all as all is self as life, and treating all the way you would like to be treated. The goal and what will manifest from living these principles, each on an individually level and on a whole within society, is that life will manifest heaven on earth, a place we all will want to live, and all live in enjoyment and peace because all are considered not one being being left out, and everything done in the best possible way for all.
The equal money system will be a true democracy where all will be able to cast a vote, one man one vote, and all will be able to access this voting system because all will have Internet connection. This is possible now as the Internet is a global commodity and will be able to reach all here. Meaning the Internet capabilities will be equalized for all and be able to reach all as best we can do it. So the system will be governed and decided upon by the people through this online voting system, where all will have access to and have there chance to make there vote count.
Committees will be something that will be useful to allocate administration responsibilities, financial responsibilities, logistics and planning, maintenance, and all the areas that will come up to keep life functioning and flowing in equilibrium within the life that is being developed as we move and expand within the best for all system we will be developing as the Equal Money System unfolds. As we start organizing the communities around the globe, I see that each region will have a committee representing it for meetings on a more larger scale to discuss and debate new reforms or decisions that are to be put in place as the system transitions and starts to develop. The committees will have as many people in it as necessary, all equally valued and equally held in a standard of trust. This point of trust will be compulsory within being educated in what is know today as the Desteni-I-Process training, where you go through a selected number of courses to become what is known as a 'real' physical being able to direct and walk in stability to do what is best for all in all ways, this must be proven by self and corroborated by a group. These people in the committees will be voted on as well, so ultimately it will be the peoples choice who gets put in the committees. The committees only lasting a certain amount of time for those voted in, and then a new batch of people will be voted on to walk within and as the committees that will be representing a certain region or literally land mass of people. Community based committees to walk through points that will come up in the new system, and get the logistics sorted in all areas to then be voted on in what ever comes up that needs direction.
Endless Economic Policies and Protests in Russia - what is the solution?
I have added the Equal Money System FAQ information and perspectives explaining how these events will change or stop within the Equal Money System.
December 2011 Current Events: World News
U.S. News | Business News | Disasters & Science News
Here are the key events in world news for the month of December 2011.
• Parliamentary Elections Spark Massive Protests in Russia (Dec. 4): Parliamentary elections spark protests, mainly from middle-class Russians. International and local monitors condemn the election as fraudulent. United Russia, the party led by Vladimir Putin, comes out on top in the elections, receiving nearly 50 percent of the vote, but they lost 77 seats. Monitors say that United Russia would have lost more seats were it not for ballot-box stuffing and voting irregularities. For example, videos, some taken with cellphones, surfaced on the internet showing local authorities threatening subordinates at polling stations. (Dec. 10): Over 40,000 Russians rally near the Kremlin. It is the largest anti-Kremlin protest since the early 1990s and is approved by city authorities, although riot police are on hand. The activists call for Putin's resignation and denounce the election results. Putin accuses the United States, singling out Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, for instigating the demonstrations when she criticized conduct during the parliamentary elections. (Dec. 12): Billionaire industrialist Mikhail D. Porkhorov announces that he plans to run for president against Putin in 2012. Porkhorov owns many businesses in Russia as well as the New Jersey Nets, the NBA franchise, in the United States. In his announcement, Porkhorov says, "I made a decision, probably the most serious decision in my life: I am going to the presidential election." Many observers question if Porkhorov is truly challenging Putin or if he has Putin's approval to run to create an air of legitimacy to the race.
• European Leaders Call for Changes to Treaty (Dec. 5): Together German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France make a joint call for Europe's governing treaties to be amended in order to provide better governance on the economic policies of the 17 countries within the euro zone. The proposed amendments include monthly meetings of all European leaders, automatic penalties for nations that exceed deficit limits, and a creation of a European monetary fund.
Why using Money as a solution – will money not lead to corruption again?
Money is not intrinsically Evil or does not by itself promulgate greed. In the current system it is the way money is used and defined, that is promulgating greed – those are rules that are agreed upon. The rules of what money is based on can thus be changed. An example of such a rule, is that: no one has right to any money unless someone has worked for it. This rule dictates that children will receive no support in this world unless directly by Parents that work to earn money to sustain the child or indirectly through redirected taxes. (A third way can be through charity but that is not consistent enough to be of any significance in the bigger picture.) A consequence of this rule is that children born on earth in the current system have no right to exist – because the fact that this child exists does not grant it the right to actually have the means to live, which is money. Rights only come with labor – And if you are unable to buy yourself the right to exist through labor, someone else must be found that can buy that right for you.
This rule creates a situation of fear. Because under such conditions no-one’s existence is ever secure – as your ability to live is permanently dependent on your ability to get money from the system.
Here we can easily see that it is the rules of the money-system that are creating a struggle for survival.
It is important to see that such a struggle is a result of the rules of society – which are man-made – and not a condition of life per say.
Many use the argument that ‘the struggle for life’ can be found in the Animal Kingdom as well – which is then brought forth as the reason why such a struggle is inevitable in general. Though when placed in the proper perspective, this is invalid: because there is at this stage no reason for starvation to exist or for anyone to exist in any form of deprivation. There is actually enough for everyone today – this fact is well known, and the reason why no change has thus far come forth is due to lack of political will.
One has to understand greed. Greed is created out of fear there will at some point not be enough. So therefore one will grab as much as possible, disregarding anyone and everyone else – because in fear one is only able to act in self-interest, especially when it comes to fear of death.
Though when a provision exists whereupon everyone can trust, that no matter what, I will have access to anything I require to sustain myself in this world and lead a life in dignity, fear is immediately out of the picture, and so is greed.
Therefore one can see that such forms of greed will disappear as trust gets established and people realize there is no more need for such behavior.
So, money can actually be used as a key to change the human experience on earth, where one can walk the streets without fear of being robbed and where one can actually start trusting each other.
Politics and Media in an Equal Money System
In an Equal Money System ‘politicians’ as such will not exist – but there will be positions that need to be taken where a certain level of responsibility is required. These positions will be filled based on democratic elections – and the best way to describe such a function would be that of an ‘administrator’ rather than a ‘leader’. An important aspect of such a function is that one will only be allowed to do it for 1 term – which would be 1 or 2 years, after which a new administrator is elected to take over your function, after which one will not be allowed to pose as candidate for administrator again. This is to make sure that there is never any possibility for misuse of power – and it also makes clear where the focus must lie: on the principle, not on the personality.
Remember that in an equal Money System everyone will be supported from birth to become a fully self-responsible and effective living being. Hence there will be no requirement for leadership as it exists today – because that is in fact based on separation where the majority have abdicated their responsibility towards their reality and towards the whole world to a select group of people, to have them be responsible, and who are then given carte blanche to abuse in the name of ‘the common good’.
In an Equal Money system great responsibility will be expected from everyone – because only when taking responsibility for oneself and one’s world – can one really be an honorable being. Therefore the current system of politics and entertainment is a system that promotes dishonor, limitation and slavery. To give away one’s responsibility is an act of fear – because one is unwilling to face that self- is in fact responsible. Is it then such a mystery that in today’s world everyone blames the politicians and the elite? Blame is much easier than taking responsibility – and it also indicates that self is still unwilling to take responsibility and will divert all attention from this fact through blaming another.
In an Equal Money System such behavior will not be accepted – and all will be supported to face their inner demons and learn to take responsibility for themselves and their reality. What is currently being tested and explored within the desteniiprocess is already showing that it is possible for a being to take directive charge of themselves and their lives – and that one can learn how to stop ones self-obsessed way of existing and that it is possible to live in a way that is considerate of others as equal as self.
In an Equal Money system there will be no separation between ‘politicians’ and ‘the public’ – because everyone will simply be empowered to take responsibility wherever they can. This will in turn make the media as it currently exists obsolete because the media has mainly existed as a tool or amedium that stood in between the public and the politicians – creating an alternate reality of ‘news’.
In an Equal Money system the administrators will not have to be worried about what the media will say about them – as the media will no longer be an institution based on manipulation, gossip and profit, but instead be a collaboration of people, based on real interest and passion, on how to organize and disseminate information locally and all around the world. Within this the emphasis will be to allow for all perspectives to equally be heard and equally be accessible. This will not be done through giving everyone in fact equal access to the same technology that allows for such communication to exist. The way to do that is by giving everyone Equal Money from birth to death. No more marginalization.
In an Equal Money system a ‘politician’ will simply be a servant – a guardian of the system – who makes sure that in the first place the Equal Money System keeps running, so that everyone is at all times supported, and secondly ensures the administration of all the collective decision making processes on how the system can be improved.
Practically this means that he or she will have to administer online forums that are accessible to all and anyone. In these forums suggestions will be shared in a structured manner so that each participant is able to asses whether what is said is best for all or if it requires improvement to be able to stand as a the solution to a problem or as a viable alternative to an already existing approach. This means that there will be communication regulations one have to adhere to, to make the process as effective as possible. For instance one will have to explain the problem, why or where the current solution is not yet best for all – and how the new solution is superior to the old one in that it solves more problems and is more beneficial to all participants.
Hence one must understand that all political decisions will be made in complete openness where the process of how a decision was made can completely be traced back in all its steps.
The role of the media in this regard will be limited – as there will be no more ‘secrets’ to reveal or hidden plots to expose. Hidden politics will simply not be allowed. Everything must always immediately be shared in a public forum so that there is full transparency at all times.
If you are interested in a future where everyone has an Equal say and where all Life is Equally valued – I would say don’t wait and join us.
Gabriël Zamora Moreno
The Road to Freedom is Through Voting?
“The road to freedom is through voting?” – at first glance, especially when taking the context of this current system into consideration, one would probably be more likely to retort: “yeah right, my vote doesn’t count!” or “voting is useless, nothing ever changes. It’s just the same shit, different leader” etc. These are understandable responses, yet one must look at the point of:
WHY doesn’t my vote count?
WHY do I see voting as useless?
WHY doesn’t anything ever change, no matter who leads a country?
WHY does the process of voting not make me feel more free, but only more enslaved?
In these very questions are the answers that will provide insight into why the current system of voting is not effective, and how we as humanity can and must stand up to take back our one vote.
Each of these questions can be answered in one shot, with one word: self-responsibility – because the real questions that beg to be asked; the questions that we all must ask ourselves are:
WHY am I not taking self-responsibility for all that is here?
WHY have I abdicated my freedom to a ‘leader’ instead of being the leader of my own life?
WHY have I accepted and allowed myself to believe that for anything to change, someone else must do it for me, or that someone else must do it first?
WHY have I blamed others for what I alone am responsible for?
WHY have I turned a blind eye to the abuse in this world?
WHY have I not done whatever must be done to ensure all life here on this planet is able to live in freedom and dignity?
WHY have I suppressed my feelings of shame for the state of myself and this world, as a reflection of myself, and instead projected anger onto politicians/those in “power”?
WHY have I given away my freedom, my power to be the self-directive powerhouse of my life, in order to “live” a life where I must rely on others to make decision for me?
This is the type of self-investigation that is required in order to explore deeper the entire point of “WHY” so that one can come to the “HOW” to stand up and begin to take self-responsibility for ourselves, and this world, as ourselves.
Understand, politicians, and those that we perceive to be “in power” didn’t create this world all by their lonesome, obviously; it was created by each and every single one of us participating and agreeing in each and every breath we’ve breathed here to continue this system; this system where starvation, murder, apathy, torture, child trafficking, animal abuse, extreme poverty, war, corporate control over food resources, absolute atrocity, and unimaginable abuses are allowed and can be readily seen…if one dares.
There is no excuse.
We are co-creators in all that we do, whether that be in perpetuating this current money system which is clearly not best for all, or whether that be in providing solutions that will ensure all are cared for and given unconditionally the ability to enjoy and move themselves freely in this one life.
Therefore, once we see/realize/understand that it will take each one of us standing up within ourselves as “one man, one vote” we will be able to simply do what must be done – it won’t exactly be “simple” – no – but that decision that self makes, will be in one simple moment of breath; one moment of an absolute commitment to stand within the statement:
So, it’s not a point of trying to ‘go against’ anything; it’s not a point of blaming anything, resisting anything, or dropping out of anything – as that is not a sustainable solution because it is only self fighting against self from a starting point of an energetic reaction, which will eventually burn out. We’ve seen this happen throughout history. This way of so-called ”change” is still an abdication of self-responsibility.
The point is to work with what is here. Thus, we use the democratic systems that are already in place – yes, the word “democracy” has been abused extensively. Yet, who has abused this word? Each of us has. Thus, we must redefine democracy by/through taking back our power, our self-responsibility, to vote – and to vote for that which is best for ALL.
To believe that we can just vote – just push a button and pull a lever – and then our responsibility as a human being living in a democratic system is done, is precisely why we have a world as we do today.
Again, we must use what is here to change what is here.
Before an Equal Money System will be implemented, the Basic Income Grant (BIG) will be voted in. BIG, which is a system that has already been, and is currently being tested in Africa, Germany, and the United States, includes these primary points:
• provide everyone with a minimum level of income,
• enable the nation’s poorest households to better meet their basic needs,
• stimulate equitable economic development,
• promote family and community stability, and
• affirm and support the inherent dignity of all.
So, once BIG is in place, and a good deal of financial, emotional, and physical weight/burden that has crippled so many is lifted, we will begin to see that an Equal Money System is the next common sense point, as it is indeed what is best for all.
To be clear, both BIG as well as an Equal Money System will only be seen/understood through each of us walking “the road to freedom” through a process of self-realization in regards to what it is to be an effective, self-responsible, caring being who is able to be trusted with/as Life. The point of “BEING the change we want to see in this world” is relevant here, as that is indeed what we must do, because if we take a proper look at history, we will see clearly that change through any other means is not actual change that is lasting, but is change that exists as a mirage for a moment, until the same abuse that was only dormant reappears with an even greater vigor for destruction.
In each moment of breath we are casting our vote. We are either voting for Life, as what is best for all, by/through standing for a solution that will ensure freedom and dignity, or we are voting for our own limitations; we are voting for a system where God is money and the perception that there is nothing that can be done about it – we are then thus voting for our demise.
So, ask yourself:
What I am voting for in this very moment?
Will my one vote in this moment set me, and this world as myself, free?
Will my one vote in this moment further enslave me, and this world – as me?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
In an Equal Money System there will be no more zoos
So within an Equal Money System we will re-evaluate and re-consider how we have been living, what we participate in and how things are managed. One of the things that will change is how we participate with animals. The shift will focus from them being there for the entertainment of the human to an equal consideration. One of the things that will go in an Equal Money System is zoos. Currently zoos exist as small enclosures in which animals are kept so that humans may gawk at them. In an Equal Money System we will firstly reconsider how humans take up all the land out of greed. We will look at what land to give to animals and how to divide the land according to the needs of different animals. This will all be an equal and one consideration between human, animal and the space required for us to rehabilitate nature (e.g. the rain forests etc, animal species).
Therefore once we decide which animals require what space to live comfortably, the next stage will be the administration and care of the animals. Accordingly groups and communities will be established to take care of the animals communities. No longer will animals be kept in enclosures to please the human, while they live in small spaces while mostly being treated inhumanely. We will stop all profit based animal practices and the focus will be about creating a dignified life for all on this planet.
In an EMS there will be no more chapels and churched overloaded with gold and ornaments while beings are dying with hunger
So for those humans who still believe in Gods and who have to belong to religions, because they have no clear self direction and require an invisible being to tell them what to do: in an EMS we will still allow each person to work through the transition phase by leaving people to their religions. What will not be accepted in an Equal Money System is the wasting of resources to present a picture to an invisible God. If people want to pray and go to churches, they may do so but not at the expense of other beings. No longer will resources be used to glamorize churches.
If one look at how the Capitalist System functions you will notice that everything that exist in the mind of the human can be sold and is sold with no conscience or remorse. For example in the case of religion. People feel the need to belong to a faith, to believe that somebody else is going to clean up our mess. People are directed by fear and because of this the church and all other religions came into practice. If you use basic common sense you can see this for yourself. It was due to the fear of death and the fear of ourselves, that man needed guidance instead of taking self responsibility. The church was implemented as a way for people to be controlled, to prevent chaos. So far it has worked - for the capitalists. Man has been controlled through the fear of God and it is because of the fear created and supported through religion that no one questions god and therefore no one questions the current world systems. Those who blindly follow and support the current world systems do so because of a believe that because God apparently created man, God surely also created this invisible system that 'takes care of us'. The only ones that are taken care of, of course are those with money. So of course either God is Money because to know salvation in this world you must have money, or is it that god is a sadist by creating money which some have and some dont?
So back to churches. Because man has become accustomed to believing everything that is presented within the current world systems, they will believe everything the capitalists sell to them. I mean the capitalists sell you eternal salvation in the form of a glamorous looking church. Again people have equated the best looking church to salvation, why - well within each person exists the fear that you will be left behind, you will die. So each one wants God to save them. Therefore people will allow obvious deception in the form of glamorized churches and overlook the obvious lie, to instead hope that God will see this shiny gold thing from the sky and he will save everyone sitting in the church.
This is how petty 'God' has become - apparently. He will leave half the people on the planet on the bread line or starving with not enough money to provide ones basic needs, while saving the ones that sit in the flashy churches. God apparently needs to see flashy pretty things or he just doesn’t care. The capitalists obviously realise the secret existent within man, to be saved by this petty god and therefore in conjunction with the churches will sell you salvation. The churches of course are run by people who profit from human fear. Why else would they sell you such an obvious lie? In an Equal Money System we will start working on taking people out of their fear of survival. This will start with removing the fear of not having money. From there we will show people that every other belief you have also exists because of fear. Anything that is not physically manifested in this world, exists as information only in your mind as the believer and is therefore 'not real'. So by taking people out of fear of survival by providing everyone with our basic needs, we will begin to unravel all other fears and show people how holding on to a belief about something is not necessary - you are here and you are taken care of.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Will I not lose free choice in an Equal Money System?
Some common sense considerations with regards to free choice'
• If you have limited vocabulary where you lack the ability to make all choice, do you still have free choice?
• Slavery is where the free choice of some is being paid for with others having no choice.
• if your free choice enslaves others-it is abuse
• Free choice seem to have degrees of freedom and the ability to perceive/understand the reality
• a person that cannot understand that Jesus is dead will have a different value system and free choice than one that understand a human only goes so far with nails through the hands on a cross.
If you look at the current situation within the world, you can see that nobody really has 'free choice'. You cannot go where you want and do what you want without money. Therefore Free choice is subject to and an outflow of 'having money'.
Therefore in an Equal Money system what will become available to all humans? The ability to participate in the world equally with everyone else. What we produce and what we allow as entertainment, food, goods, etc will all be voted upon and agreed upon by all. The principles upon which such decisions will be based is as following: In an Equal Money System we will produce and create products and services which do not harm another. The labor system will produce that which we require according to what was voted upon and any abusive practice will be disregarded as we will no longer allow some humans to have and experience at the cost of another. All of this will be taken into consideration and ways will be found for goods and services to be produced and maintained where no body is harmed in the process. Therefore, to add to this, Free Choice will go hand in hand with self responsibility. Hand in Hand with the Equal Money System will go the realization of humanity that for us to not repeat the past we have to change within ourselves. That means that we will have to change what we have given value to thus far. As soon as we become aware of what has harmed and that we do not have to repeat the past - we will be in a position to produce goods and services that are equal to our decision to live self responsibly.
Free Choice therefore will go hand in hand with principled living - the awareness of what we do, what are the consequences and how does that affect those we share this planet with. Here we will bring in the principle for example of 'do to your neighbor that which you would like to be done unto you'. Start becoming aware of what you choose as part of your Free choice because the consequences if any, is yours just as much as another's. Therefore in an Equal Money System we will became aware of principles decisions based on doing what is best for all. So within doing what is best for all - we are not going to want goods and services that are harmful to another, because this affects us as well, as we will exist in the same world where all participate in the labor system. Committees will exist to watch how the implementation of something affects all. Therefore for some it might not be easy initially to see the consequences of our creations, and that is why the committees exist, to discuss the outflows of what we produce or create.
Free Choice is also limited within the current world system due to people not having the same level of education. How can you make an informed choice if you do not have all the information? So other than money, knowledge about the world, your options and yourself, limit people within the current system to really be able to choose freely. So within an Equal Money system, education will be another point that is equal for all. This will give each the opportunity to fully expand on the knowledge of the world and themselves, thus your ability to choose what you would like to do, see, eat or experience takes everything into consideration.
The next point that hampers free choice in our current world is ignorance in the form of culture and religion. If you are taught from young that a god sits in the sky and watches you and that he has rules for you to live according to, or else you go to a place called hell - then you are condemned to a life of limitation based on your beliefs. In an Equal Money system we will start educating ourselves in how reality really functions. This includes educating ourselves in how this physical reality really functions. Therefore the emphasis will shift in an Equal Money System from what it is now, where people control each other for survival, to an open, self honest community, where everyone only wants what is best. You will find in time that all fear based beliefs that currently only exist in the minds of people will be questioned as we remove the biggest survival point which is around money.
From this free choice will develop because people are no longer directed by fear in the form of world institutions, and instead we will direct ourselves according to the physical reality, where we live to experience ourselves fully each day.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Can Desteni be stopped by the Elite?
The Equal Money System and the Desteni self-purification process go hand in hand – because by implementing an Equal Money System people will have the time and opportunity to change through applying the tools necessary to face oneself within how you have designed yourself.
What Desteni currently focuses on is the designing of structured courses together with the release of videos and blogs to assist people in self-change and self-awareness. The sharing of information about how we have applied the tools and how we have changed is the most valuable source of assistance to those on the internet who are willing to assist themselves. Therefore we find that when people realize that their current experience of themselves is not what is best for them, then they will find the support necessary on our forums, website and through searching the internet where they will find the thousands of personal experiences of the people who are already applying the material within their lives. This of self-support is available for everyone and therefore nobody can stop Desteni as we are real people with real voices who share how we have all changed to become more functional, self-supportive beings. The ‘proof’ so to speak is ‘in the pudding’ – and no Elitist can deny any participant within the Desteni material their voice on the internet and the key is that people who ask for assistance will find it simply by joining the forums or doing an internet search where they will find someone like themselves who faced the same inner problems/obstacles and who overcame them using the tools of writing, self forgiveness, self honesty and self responsibility.
The Equal Money System is driven in the same way. We record videos and write blogs about each aspect of how the Equal Money System will function and how it will change the world as it currently exists. We show current world events and we indicate clearly using basic equations, how the abuse and suffering that exists in the world today, will change once we implement firstly the Basic Income Grant and then the final solution ‘The Equal Money System.’
Again once people start realizing for themselves, usually from within personal experience of loss and abuse within the current capitalist system, that we cannot continue this way, then yet again they will find the material and research we are making available on the internet about the Equal Money System. Once people start grouping together as we have already established, then we will find more and more people as the voices of the world, expressing their perspectives and their support for the system that will value Life. From there it will eventually become a democratic choice through majority rule, and once the majority start voicing themselves – the politicians will have to listen. Right now people believe that there is no alternative and that the current system is the only way and that is the reason why they not willing to speak up. By leading the way, we are making it possible for the future generations and those who do not yet have a voice, to stand up and be accountable within this world, therefore through visibility and consistency in our application, more and more people are realizing that there is a solution for themselves and the world as it currently exists. The Elitists are the minority within the world and therefore the tide will turn on who has a say and who directs the world systems.
Those who have already realized that a change is the only solution to stopping the world abuse within the current capitalist system, are speaking and writing and educating themselves within politics, psychology, law etc -to be able to take an effective stand within the system, so that once the time comes we will be able to stand as the ‘system’ to support the majority rule, when they decide it is time for a change.
Therefore the Elite cannot change or stop the voice of the people who will realize and insist on a change. The elite cannot stop the people who want to change their inner experiences and utilize the methods of Desteni, tested and used daily by thousands of people. That is the key behind self-realization – nobody can do it for you and nobody can take it away from you – because it is your self honesty as who you are. Desteni and its members therefore exist as the tools and examples through which each will realize themselves. Self-Realization is the only way to stop enslavement and to stop the cycles of master/servant that currently exists within all world system.
Once somebody lifts the veil on their own self-belief and belief of the world and they take a stand – then nobody but themselves direct them in who they are and what they become. Desteni is the tool to self-empowerment, and therefore the Elite cannot stop the change of people, and this I know because we prove this everyday.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The world hunger problem: Facts, figures and statistics
In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called “absolute poverty”
Every year 15 million children die of hunger
For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years
Throughout the 1990′s more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation. Those 100 million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or what the world spends on its military in two days!
The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one-third is starving- Since you’ve entered this site at least 200 people have died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year.
One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. United Nations Food and Agriculture
The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world’s hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global Economy
Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion – a majority of humanity – live on less than $1 per day, while the world’s 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world’s people. UNICEF
3 billion people in the world today struggle to survive on US$2/day.
In 1994 the Urban Institute in Washington DC estimated that one out of 6 elderly people in the U.S. has an inadequate diet.
In the U.S. hunger and race are related. In 1991 46% of African-American children were chronically hungry, and 40% of Latino children were chronically hungry compared to 16% of white children.
The infant mortality rate is closely linked to inadequate nutrition among pregnant women. The U.S. ranks 23rd among industrial nations in infant mortality. African-American infants die at nearly twice the rate of white infants.
One out of every eight children under the age of twelve in the U.S. goes to bed hungry every night.
Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished.
In 1997 alone, the lives of at least 300,000 young children were saved by vitamin A supplementation programmes in developing countries.
Malnutrition is implicated in more than half of all child deaths worldwide – a proportion unmatched by any infectious disease since the Black Death
About 183 million children weigh less than they should for their age
To satisfy the world’s sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year.
The assets of the world’s three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the least developed countries on the planet.
Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger
It is estimated that some 800 million people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, about 100 times as many as those who actually die from it each year.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Even though Prince William is the most powerful man in the world - thousands of people will die in this coming winter?!
There are already 27,000 extra deaths in the UK each winter compared to other times of year
Thursday October 20,2011
By Dana Gloger, Consumer Affairs Editor
THOUSANDS of elderly people will die this winter because they cannot afford soaring energy bills.
More than 2,700 lost their lives to illnesses caused by fuel poverty according to the most recent annual figures released in a Government-commissioned report.
This is higher than the number of people killed in road accidents. But the figure is set to soar this winter because of rocketing gas and electricity bills.
The average annual cost of energy is now £300 more than it was last year, after all of the Big Six suppliers hiked up their charges. Meanwhile, the cost of living has also shot up, with inflation hitting 5.2 per cent.
With forecasters predicting temperatures as low as minus 20C, Professor John Hills, who is leading a review of fuel poverty, warned a combination of bitter weather and higher living costs would lead to many more deaths.
Calling for urgent action, Derek Lickorish, chair of the Government’s Fuel Poverty Advisory Group, said the figures on the number of deaths from fuel poverty were “a disgrace”.
He said: “I am anxious about the depth of this year’s winter and its potential impact. We know the elderly and some families will have to cut back on heating. That will inevitably have an impact on the number of winter deaths. This should set alarm bells ringing. Urgent action is needed.”
Mervyn Kohler, spokesman for Age UK, said: “Death is the extreme end of the iceberg. There will also be a huge amount of misery and ill health caused by fuel poverty. We are facing a pretty grim picture.”
Consumer adviser Jasmine Birtles, from warned: “With the price of food also high, ever-more people will have to decide whether to heat or eat. We could be in for a disaster.”
Fuel poverty is defined as spending more than 10 per cent of a household’s income on gas and electricity bills. There are currently an estimated 6.6 million people in the UK in this situation.
It is estimated that for every one per cent rise in energy bills, an extra 40,000 households fall into fuel poverty.
There are already 27,000 extra deaths in the UK each winter compared to other times of year, according to the Office for National Statistics. The figure is one of the highest in Europe. Changes to benefits will also have an impact. The Winter Fuel Payment is set to be cut from £250 to £200 for those over 60 and from £400 to £300 for the over-80s.
The new Warm Homes Discount provides a rebate of £120 a year, but is only available to those who claim pension credits – less than a third of retired people.
With the average energy bill now £1,345 a year, one in four households will keep their heating off this month, a survey by found.
Six per cent of those questioned said they would not be able to heat their homes at all over the winter. And 17 per cent will only fire up the boiler when the cold becomes extreme.
Prof Hills, who is leading the Government-commissioned Hills Fuel Poverty Review, said that in 2004 fuel-poor households faced a shortfall of £256 to heat their homes, but that this had risen to £402 by 2009.
He said: “It’s a very serious problem. Recent analysis attributes about a fifth of excess winter deaths to living in cold homes. Even if only half of this in 2009 [the year on which the figures are based] is due to fuel poverty, that would still mean 2,700 deaths – more than die on the roads – each year.
“There’s also evidence of people having to face the heat-or-eat trade-off.”
Citizens Advice chief executive Gillian Guy said: “It’s horrifying that so many people are dying because they can’t afford to heat their home.”
I read this newspaper article in the International Express newspaper. First I noticed the obvious deception, contained within the fact that the British Government and the supposed 'leaders of our countries' would actually advertise openly that they will allow the deaths of thousands of people, as they do every day around the world - because of their inability to look beyond their own greed.
What struck me next was the photo right next to this article - have a look:
Right next to this declaration of absolute incompetence and deliberate crime against humanity - they place a picture of the Queen being greeted warmly in Australia - and literally the heading of the article is 'Queen 'mobbed in Oz'. So what this is saying is that no matter what the British or any government for that matter declare as their absolute inability to do what is best for the people - humanity will still fall for the mind garbage and see the politicians and royalty as 'amazing/superior/godly. The irony of the situation is that the public don’t hold any of these politicians or royalty responsible for the fact that they will due to greed and corruption across all governments - allow thousands of British people to die this winter. I have to ask the question - who are the real psychopaths in our society - the politicians/royalty who know they can withhold resources from the public - costing us our lives - or the public whom in the face of this absolute deception - will still swoon over 'famous people'.
On the next page they actually manage to advertise fashion while British weather reporters do the reporting?? So while they are reporting how the cold is descending, which will now kill thousands of people - you can look at the latest winter fashions they are wearing? They call it the 'weather girl effect' and its 'bringing a warm front to sales'???? So what they are saying is screw the thousands of people who cannot stay warm enough - they will cater nice warn clothing for the elitists who can afford to buy it - right in the faces of all the people that sit in front of the television, watching as the impending coldness seeps into their lives - to possibly be the end of them.
Then I turn the page and what do I see - a huge picture of Kate - in a 'small act of kindness' - sitting with a nine year old boy battling with leukemia. The fact that she is there will change nothing for the boy. Why is she not paying attention to the fact that the British government are going to allow thousands of people to die this winter because of government greed and deception? So it again comes down to the politicians presenting a picture of themselves to the public, pretending to care - while the reality is - due to greed and power - they will continue to not do what is best for all people. This is clear, yet why does no-one want to see this?

Then I glance down to the bottom of the page and what do I see - " Wills power…he's the most influential man in the world' - in which they explain that in a survey Prince William beat even President Obama in a vote of which male leaders in the world are most influential - really? How is that possible when he is unable to use his 'influence' to change the situation in the world? What is the point of having politicians/leaders/influential people - if they are unable to actually influence any outcome that will be what is best for all? What is it then that these people are influencing - MONEY - what is implied even in that poll - and n=by all people who go 'gagga' over famous people - is not because you see them as someone that can be trusted to protect you and to serve life - you see them as someone who can influence money. That is the only reason why we can read a newspaper article that says thousands of British people will die this winter because they cannot afford the 'rocketing gas and electricity bills' - and in light of that still hold these people in high regard.
What has become of humanity?
Time to consider reality as it really functions before it is to late. Go to and read up on what an Equal Money system is and why such corruption as we see currently in the world will end in an Equal Money System.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Fear of contact - Demonology Forum Perspective
Original Post:
With regards to the point of projecting fear:
What you are experiencing is your pre-existent fear of yourself, which if not faced effectively through the tools of writings and self forgiveness - becomes a projected fear onto others and your world. Therefore it was suggested in other posts - to specifically start focusing on taking apart all your beliefs, ideas, fears - to write out ones whole life if necessary to find out how you constructed you. In walking backwards in time through your life experiences and applying self forgiveness - one is able to de-construct all the layers that you exists as now called personality. You will find that everything you are now, exists as layers of past memories.
Therefore 'What if I just picked up a disease from touching a door handle or something?' exists as a projected fear from the layers of fears you have compounded over the years towards yourself into an obsessive behavior.
For example - 'fear of contact because something is unclean and you could infect others' is based on the residual fear within you that you are unclean - that there is something inside of you that is unseen and could make you ill. It is that part of you that cannot be trusted. Why is that? So the suggestion here is to go deeper into your fear of yourself based on an idea you have of yourself -which you have already highlighted in previous posts. Once you have written about this point through to self forgiveness and self correction - I suggest to start writing about your life. While writing about each life event - go into detail with regards to how you experienced it and how it influenced who you are now. From there you apply self forgiveness on each point you have realized. Once you have covered all the point - you can move on. This is a consistent process one commits to in daily or weekly writing.
Start writing and we will assist if necessary to indicate where specificity and further self forgiveness is required.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Google Harbouring a new Cult - 'What is the Plan?'
Therefore their inclination, because they are already participating in this cult, their tendency to be brainwashed is so prevalent that they are going to take the suspicion that you are generating in the placement of words and they are going to believe the information and they are going to get hyped up into generating more suspicion and doubt.
This is how these cults function. Basically what the members of the cult do, the founder members is that they will place specific words and sentences to create hysteria, to create doubt, to create fear in people about other people. They will use misinformation to get that effect in people. This is how they eventually brainwash their members.
So here the specific post that I am referring to is where they are discussing the group called Desteni and I am going to go to each post that stands out specifically to show you the techniques that the group uses. First of all here we have a member called “jackydee” whom goes and places information where he has done his best to take down the group Desteni and basically what he did was, he was the one whom was responsible he claims, for going to the internet host of Desteni and convincing Hetzner that they had to remove Desteni by providing false information about the content of the website.
He then goes on to providing bank details, which he gets from various pages of our website in the hopes that this will ‘prove’ that Desteni is involved in some money making scam. So, if you go and you take somebody’s banking details from their website or a page that they provide and you place the banking details, this according to them is evidence that a person is busy with a money making scam, because they say here ‘here’s a list of their bank accounts. As you can see that in itself it is rather dodgy.’ How is it ‘dodgy’ that people have bank accounts first of all?

Then he goes on to describe how Esteni De Wet and Bernard Poolman met. So the fact that Esteni here describes how she met Bernard, how they started their business together, that Esteni was in a relationship and that the relationship ended and she started a relationship with Bernard – this is again an example of how cult members here are using every day experiences that normal people would have, they as the members of that forum have had these experiences themselves, but they are misrepresenting the information on this particular forum to create a hype within the people who are reading it. They are changing the information and the context, so that it is all of a sudden very mysterious and very suspicious how these two people got into a relationship.
Then they go onto referring to information about some De Wet person who had a bankruptcy case and Bernard Poolman had an insolvency estate and that this in itself is ground for accusing the group called Desteni that they are busy with some world annihilation, child abusing, woman abusing cult. They cannot even prove that these are the members who are involved with Desteni. Half of the time they are saying ‘oh look here is somebody who has the surname ‘De Wet’, which is the same surname as one of the founding members of Desteni. So again misrepresenting information to create doubt, to create fear in people, to deliberately generate hate in people on this website.

The next person goes on to indicate that ‘I heard that they were chased off Youtube, then Vimeo, and I had planned on letting the next hosts know about this history of ‘Multi-Marketing’. This person goes on to admit and he’s called ‘Deadpool’ and he is one of the major players here on this forum, where he assists in brainwashing everybody by taking pieces of information and making more out of it than what it is. He is here admitting that he is initiating harmful actions against the group called Desteni by actually encouraging other groups, whom have an involvement with Desteni through the misinformation and misrepresentation of the information as I am indicating to you here. Because all they need to do is they need to say to a hosting company or to a group that is involved with Desteni ‘oh this is what these people are actually saying within the material that they represent’ and because there are existing laws that they can play on and because there are fears that they can play on and fear mongering you just need to use words like Hitler and other groups are prone to believing it for the sake of themselves not having to end up in trouble, such as in the case of Youtube. These members are admitting that they were involved in an action, due to false flagging to get DesteniProductions removed. So they themselves are participating in a false action to get a group removed.

The next person here is called ‘calico cat’, very fascinatingly has a little picture of ‘stop animal abuse’ with a little kitten and this person goes and says ‘due to your location have you learnt of any abuse done to members on that farm? There was a video removed by Youtube that seems to indicate a rape and killing of a woman’.
Any validity to this? Now that video that we uploaded was specifically done because we received daily mails from people saying that we abuse people on the farm. So of course, we are not afraid to laugh in the face of complete self brainwashing (chuckles) and these people did this to themselves. They already brainwashed themselves with the fear of what is a cult, what is not a cult and they looked at certain key aspects of what we were doing as a group and we were speaking up against world abuse and we were straight, getting to the point and saying that religion is abuse, the family system as it currently is, is abuse, ascension is abuse, culture is abuse. Anything currently in this world is founded on the principle of ego and the principle of making money to serve the rich and therefore everything that exist currently does not take into consideration all beings on this planet equally, to actually support the human being to become more effective. Everything exists currently to bully the human being into fitting into the current system and we point those things out.
From the beginning there were groups that had a big problem with what we did, so they would pick up on key points and shout ‘cult cult, you’re a cult’. So of course what did we do? We made a funny video starring myself where we filmed us torturing and kidnapping and killing people, just to show who on the internet was extremely brainwashed by themselves. We uploaded these videos, obviously each video contained the people who had been killed in the previous video, were being killed again in the next video or were the killers. Obviously we did this to indicate how brainwashed somebody has to be to not even notice that from one video to the next video the exact same people are there. You know what happened? Exactly as we suspected, the people went up in arms and said ‘this is proof that this cult is killing people, oh my god look at what they are doing.’ It was hilariously funny. I mean the comments that were coming in were ‘how dare you do this to these people, I wonder of the authorities know about this, I am going to tell the authorities’ and ‘how can the authorities allow you to post this video on YouTube, why are there not taking you down?’ Well first of all YouTube allows softporn, YouTube allows videos of children beating themselves up and each other up, YouTube allows videos of extensive fight clubs. So let’s not get started on what YouTube will allow and what YouTube will not allow. I mean YouTube as the big group that it currently is, would not even exist if it wasn’t for sensationalism and if it wasn’t for the fact that they would allow violence and pornography and sex on their own web site. So please don’t make it out as if YouTube actually stands up for anything or that YouTube in any way represents what is decent or what is fair, because they only work on what people want to see.
So, if people want to use false flagging to remove a group, they will remove a group. But if everybody on YouTube agrees as it is currently that soft porn is alright and videos of people fighting are fine, then it is fine. Then YouTube will allow it. They themselves do not stick to their own community guidelines. They won’t go about scanning videos and making sure that videos get removed. I mean myself as the user, if I come across 10, to 20 to 50 soft porn videos just in doing random searches on YouTube, then why can they themselves not have a committee of people responsible for removing that trash? Why? Because sex sells. Violence sells. This is what the kids and the people want to watch that are watching YouTube, therefore YouTube in itself is a cult where people get to come and watch their secret nasty mind, backchat, secret mind desires and fantasies and lie about why they are actually on Youtube. ‘Oh it is a fun community, because we get to watch videos’. Really? What people are really watching is represented in what YouTube is really allowing and that through false flagging groups that work with establishing Equality so that everybody can have food and a place to live, those groups get flagged, false flagged and get removed.

So let’s continue with this forum thread here. This ‘deadpool’, again using extensive brainwashing techniques to create confusion and fear in people will go ‘have you see this picture of Bernard (the leader) and Darryl (the fallout guy), where Bernard is giving the finger to the camera? Would love to know more about this ‘encounter'. Uh, by ‘this encounter’, what this ‘deadpool’ is trying to encourage in people is creating an idea that something happened between Bernard and the camera man. That this encounter perhaps existed because the camera man got onto the farm and tried to take pictures of Bernard , the ‘cult leader’ and Bernard turned around and pulled his finger at this person. Ehm no, it was actually a visitor on the farm and we were playing around with the cameras and Bernard had said ‘I don’t want the main focus becoming about me, I want the people who use the tools from Desteni, they can have their pictures and video on the internet. I don’t want it becoming about me because in the past it has always become about ‘the leader’, the ‘guru’ and then people make more out of the person who walked the tools first and then was able to present it and form a bigger group that represent the tools, it always becomes about people making more out of that person than what is necessary.’ He did not want this. He has made it very clear in his interviews and in information that we have placed on the internet that he didn’t want it becoming about him. So of course the joke was that when this person took the photo of him for their own personal collection because they were visiting the farm, he pulled his finger at the camera. A joke, but again these people are using this information to brainwash everybody else on this thread through fear, to believe something that is not relevant.

Then ‘deadpool’ in his next post goes on to say ‘on the Desteni forum we have seen 200 members as only the public front door. See the above video on anti-hate and a previous porn, spam attack, the original main forum experienced in the past. They locked it away because of that it seems. Basically in terms of viable operations attacking their public forum would be as successful as putting a burning bag of turn on their doorstep. We need a deeper infiltration for any kind of impact. I hope that doesn’t require taking any courses from these parasites.’ So again here ‘deadpool’ is encouraging people to create malicious actions and hateful actions against Desteni, such as actually admitting here that he is going to launch an internet attack on our websites.

Next we have a member called “Durandarte”, from New York. This person posts information that he got off one of our WebPages, where we are now moving to a new domain “News: Desteni transferring site, saw on their current website. New site still under construction.’ And he gives the link which refers you to our new domain. ‘we would have to make sure to hit this site hard when going against them, they should be venerable to spamming, trolling, and other attacks in the next few weeks, so this site will make a prime target when the op begins…’ again indicating here that these people are coming together here and planning to actually be vindictive and nasty against Desteni and that there is a whole group of them involved in this and that they are sweeping each other up here into an action of maliciousness.

Now with regards to the responsibility of Google and the people who run these forums, they are busy with terrorism; they are busy allowing members to plan hateful actions against another group. We have already, and this we are recording, we have found many posts similar to these. You see these are referring to internet attacks and we have already come across people on the internet people who are discussing actually attacking us on the farm. The responsibility of allowing such a mind set to develop to such a point, where somebody would actually say ‘I am going to make sure their farm gets burnt down’, now such actions always begin somewhere and they begin on these cult forums. What happens Is that on these ‘cult-get-together-forums’, you have an idea being presented, you have the personal interests of the members involved, whatever it is that they are busy with in their own minds, the hatred that exists within them towards other groups and they do not care what harm is done. Here I have shown you just one snippet of how information is taken, how it is misrepresented, how it is twisted and then eventually the members of this cult will brainwash each other into believing whatever new information they have just placed, by taking assumptions and twisting them into making it into something it is not. Then eventually down the line, you have groups here admitting that they are attacking us on the internet, or at least ‘attempting to’ and that some of them would actually physically come to us and cause us harm.
Such cults need to be eradicated and removed off the internet. It is the responsibility, and I suggest that the Hosting Domains and the Web Servers and the Hosting Services like Google must take responsibility for these hate campaigns. I mean talk about creating a group of terrorists. We have all becomes so use to viewing terrorists as people in religious garb, who will go and bomb the shit out of a place for their god and because they hate America, but that is not the real terrorism going on. Yes there is that terrorism of which parts of it have happened in the past and it is valid and some of it is not valid and most of it is being used currently to create fear, but that is another topic and I am not going to go into that right now. I am talking about this form of terrorism which is actually playing out here on websites and nobody is doing anything about it, it is being allowed. Why is it being allowed? I mean if you are seeing a militant, terrorist, underground group openly on websites discussing how they are planning on attacking another group, the American CIA and the anti-terrorists groups would be all over this and Google and their web hosts would be forced to shut these websites down.
So here my point is that I am the ‘cult-infotainment-educator’ and all these people here have a good laugh because, well they make me laugh, because they consider themselves ‘cult-experts’ just like Rick-Ross whom gave himself the title of ‘cult-expert’ and these people are allowing themselves, by giving themselves the title of ‘cult-expert’ to say anything they want. So I am going to call myself a ‘cult-expert’ and I am from now on going to be giving actual evidence of cults existing on the internet that are planning and do execute harmful actions against other groups.
Here you will find the original discussion: